This is the V AS VALUE project MOOC, an online free course to quickly learn how to create an effective training program for involving, selecting, and retaining volunteers in sports environment in the different social aspects: inclusion of diversity in sports, promotion of healthy life style through sport, inclusion through sport spreading values through sport.
The main aim of the project V as Value  is to enhance volunteerism in sport field as an added value for the promotion and increase of sport activities and event in Europe with the focus on accessibility of the event.

In this respect, the project identifies the following objectives:

  • to collect and exchange good practices in volunteering management and recognition;
  • to identify and test an educational programme to train volunteers able to organize sport activities in disadvantageous neighborhood and small villages;
  • to enhance the possibility to access to the sport field for young people living in disadvantaged neighborhood and small villages as a way to promote social inclusion;
  • to spread awareness about volunteering in sports as a means to promote social inclusion, active participation and citizenship and well-being.
Thanks to this course you will be able to o create an educational programme to train volunteers both to enhance their competencies and to understand the role of volunteering in sport.

Generatori di buone pratiche

Il corso è indirizzato a tutti coloro che vogliono approfondire le tematiche inerenti al volontariato, al terzo settore e all’associazionismo, soprattutto giovani e giovani adulti che si affacciano per la prima volta a questi temi.